Services Offered1.Advisory Servicesa.Business Transformationi.Business planningii.Succession planningiii.Business process re-engineeringoWork FlowoStandard Operating ProceduresoSales and Operational Planning b.Change Managementi.Customised training programii.Coachingiii.Mentoringc.Performance Managementi.Agree and establish KPIsoQuantitative (Financial & Non financial)oQualitatived.M&Ai.Partner identificationii.Consolidationiii.Integrationiv.Assistance with due diligence2. Project Management
Merger/ Acquisition and integration projects
Business transformation programs
Change management programs
Implement ERP, MRP and/or CRP packages
3. Caretaker Finance Executives
We provide qualified executives with a wealth of Small and Mid Size Business (SME’s)
experience. This includes senior executives such as Finance Directors, CFOs, Treasurers, Financial
Controllers and Management, Commercial and Financial Accountants. Our senior executives have
served on boards and management teams in different industries. They are adequately qualified
and their experience is a valued addition to any board and/or executive management team.
Book keeping services
Accounts receivable services
4. Tender Document Preparation
We will assist you in compiling your next tender, be it large or small. Our qualified consultants will
extract all of the required information to complete the tender and our copywriters will ensure that
your tender documentation is of the highest quality. We will also provide you with an editable
copy so you can edit/amend the information as required for any subsequent submission.
We will also assist you with customising your presentation to prospective clients. This also includes
training client staff. We also assist you by providing one of our consultants to make and/or lead
the presentation on your behalf, enhancing your chances of success.
5. Building High Performance Teams
Facilitating conference, seminars
Facilitating off site team building sessions
6. Seminars
Breakfast/networking sessions – suit SME clients
Topical Seminars – lunch or evening - suit larger SME staff
Client centric workshops – 1 to 2 day “course” style sessions